Privacy Policy

REFLOGS INDIA operates the website, which provides the products and services related to Industrial Safety shoes.

This page is used to tell website traffic concerning our regulations with the gathering, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if everybody determined to use our Service.

If you choose to apply our Service, then you definitely conform to the gathering and use of facts in relation to this coverage. The Personal Information that we collect is used for offering and enhancing the Service. We will now not use or proportion your data with each person besides as described in this Privacy Policy.

The phrases used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which is out there unless in any other case described in this Privacy Policy.

Cookies are minimal data files that are frequently used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are downloaded to your computer’s hard drive from the website you visited and transmitted to your browser.

These “cookies” are used on our website to gather data and enhance our service. These cookies are available for acceptance or denial, and you are informed when one is being delivered to your computer. You might not be able to utilize all of our Service if you decide to reject our cookies.

We appreciate your trust in entrusting us with your personal information, therefore we make every effort to secure it through legal permissible measures. However, keep in mind that no form of electronic storage or communication via the internet is 100% credible and secure, and we are not able to guarantee all aspects of integrity.

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